This is Testnet block explorer of Blumbus Testnet
IBC activities
Connected Chains 72+
Open Channels 83
30 days Transactions 25 IN & 35 OUT
30 days DYM Transfers 105.0 DYM
30 days IBC Activities
24 hours IBC activities
Received in Blumbus Testnet
  • 0 txs via 0 channels of 0+ connected chains
  • 0 txs bring 0.0 DYM from 0+ chains back to Blumbus Testnet
  • 0 txs bring 0 different type of coins into Blumbus Testnet
Sent from Blumbus Testnet
  • 0 txs via 0 channels of 0+ connected chains
  • 0 txs bring 0.0 DYM from Blumbus Testnet to other 0+ chains
  • 0 txs bring 0 type of other coins from Blumbus Testnet to other chains
7 days IBC activities
Received in Blumbus Testnet
  • 3 txs via 1 channels of 0+ connected chains
  • 1 txs bring 7.0 DYM from 0+ chains back to Blumbus Testnet
  • 2 txs bring 1 different type of coins into Blumbus Testnet
Sent from Blumbus Testnet
  • 2 txs via 1 channels of 0+ connected chains
  • 2 txs bring 20.0 DYM from Blumbus Testnet to other 0+ chains
  • 0 txs bring 0 type of other coins from Blumbus Testnet to other chains
Denom Denom Source Chain Received Txs Count Received Amount Sent Txs Count Sent Amount
DYM Blumbus Testnet 1 7.0 DYM 2 20.0 DYM
ibc/80127F00D1DB2DDCB273564799F5E22259DC4850BC1307294D6DC50BADF32A29 blumbus_111-1 2 (raw) 30400000000000000000 - -
30 days IBC activities
Received in Blumbus Testnet
  • 25 txs via 2 channels of 0+ connected chains
  • 6 txs bring 14.0 DYM from 0+ chains back to Blumbus Testnet
  • 19 txs bring 3 different type of coins into Blumbus Testnet
Sent from Blumbus Testnet
  • 35 txs via 6 channels of 1+ connected chains
  • 25 txs bring 91.0 DYM from Blumbus Testnet to other 1+ chains
  • 10 txs bring 5 type of other coins from Blumbus Testnet to other chains
Denom Denom Source Chain Received Txs Count Received Amount Sent Txs Count Sent Amount
DYM Blumbus Testnet 6 14.0 DYM 25 91.0 DYM
ibc/80127F00D1DB2DDCB273564799F5E22259DC4850BC1307294D6DC50BADF32A29 blumbus_111-1 11 (raw) 1552823262959249999998 2 (raw) 100240000000000000
ibc/1BDE01731609EE47E6DD62F29D8F03A8D0A4D5AD7DC7BFE8B54283DA264F5B49 blumbus_111-1 6 (raw) 514000000000000000000 5 (raw) 25452423810198280043683795
ibc/7FCC5FD2E758250B50BB9F1AD75DE671E5FEE60CBDEF128B4A63B5D58A750D1B blumbus_111-1 2 (raw) 5053281193194195519 1 (raw) 1400000000000000
ibc/F96C9BC3FBB964477C1515FAC8AA6BA69EF340C6671AB40FA32CA3C9D9A3BF2A blumbus_111-1 - - 1 (raw) 1000000000000000000
ausdc uausdc axelar-testnet-lisbon-3 - - 1 0.0002 ausdc (raw) 245
Chain Recent TVL Channels Incoming Txs Outgoing Txs
odysphere_654689-1 channel-54 (19 in | 19 out) 19 txs 14.0 DYM 19 txs 58.0 DYM
celtoavailtest_520696-1 channel-78 (6 in | 5 out) 6 txs 5 txs
crynux_10000-1 channel-19 (0 in | 7 out) - 7 txs 2.0 DYM
anotherfailure_739040-1 channel-81 (0 in | 2 out) - 2 txs 20.0 DYM
finalavailtest_915282-1 channel-73 (0 in | 1 out) - 1 txs
nonnativewasmtest_812156-1 channel-79 (0 in | 1 out) - 1 txs 10.0 DYM
alexevmtokenless_115051-1 channel-50 (0 in | 0 out) - -
anotherone_430831-1 channel-65 (0 in | 0 out) - -
axelar-testnet-lisbon-3 channel-0 (0 in | 0 out) - -
bitweasel_888833-1 channel-56 (0 in | 0 out) - -
bombarded_425352-1 channel-82 (0 in | 0 out) - -
butterszero_416156-1 channel-42 (0 in | 0 out) - -
desmosai_433519-1 channel-58 (0 in | 0 out) - -
drscelestiatest_539966-1 channel-72 (0 in | 0 out) - -
drstestvesting_960402-1 channel-70 (0 in | 0 out) - -
drsupgradetest_615448-1 channel-69 (0 in | 0 out) - -
dymension_1405-1 channel-10 (0 in | 0 out) channel-11 (0 in | 0 out) channel-8 (0 in | 0 out) channel-9 (0 in | 0 out) - -
dymflip_248217-1 channel-59 (0 in | 0 out) - -
elystestnet-1 channel-7 (0 in | 0 out) - -
erngroller_695164-1 channel-64 (0 in | 0 out) - -
everywhereattheendoftime_551222-1 channel-41 (0 in | 0 out) - -
evmforthewin_801641-1 channel-67 (0 in | 0 out) - -
evmrollapp_748207-1 channel-36 (0 in | 0 out) - -
evmrollercontracts_254325-1 channel-61 (0 in | 0 out) - -
evmtestiroagain_283331-1 channel-35 (0 in | 0 out) - -
evmtokenless_181323-1 channel-38 (0 in | 0 out) - -
evmunstaking_652913-1 channel-49 (0 in | 0 out) - -
finerthanfine_189223-1 channel-66 (0 in | 0 out) - -
grand-1 channel-3 (0 in | 0 out) channel-55 (0 in | 0 out) - -
indigo-1 channel-24 (0 in | 0 out) - -
johnmcpepefee_698106-1 channel-57 (0 in | 0 out) - -
kava_2221-16000 channel-1 (0 in | 0 out) - -
kennyzero_261767-1 channel-43 (0 in | 0 out) - -
kylezero_324858-1 channel-44 (0 in | 0 out) - -
launch_541805-1 channel-34 (0 in | 0 out) - -
lucyna_504-1 channel-29 (0 in | 0 out) - -
mande_1807-1 channel-25 (0 in | 0 out) - -
metallica_192169-1 channel-40 (0 in | 0 out) - -
mocha-4 channel-2 (0 in | 0 out) channel-6 (0 in | 0 out) - -
nebulafi_1336830-1 channel-20 (0 in | 0 out) - -
nebulafi_1336831-1 channel-21 (0 in | 0 out) - -
newdrstestagainevm_311440-1 channel-77 (0 in | 0 out) - -
newdrstestevm_37147-1 channel-75 (0 in | 0 out) - -
newyearseve_447852-1 channel-46 (0 in | 0 out) - -
nim_9999-1 channel-16 (0 in | 0 out) - -
nimtestnet_1122-1 channel-12 (0 in | 0 out) - -
notyouraveragerollapp_671271-1 channel-47 (0 in | 0 out) - -
pressingwasmistoohard_578671-1 channel-53 (0 in | 0 out) - -
prysm-devnet-1 channel-32 (0 in | 0 out) channel-33 (0 in | 0 out) - -
rivalz_1231-1 channel-18 (0 in | 0 out) - -
rollapprotateevm_990838-1 channel-51 (0 in | 0 out) - -
rollappx_696969-1 channel-13 (0 in | 0 out) - -
rollappx_700001-1 channel-14 (0 in | 0 out) - -
rollappy_700002-1 channel-22 (0 in | 0 out) - -
rollbenchtest_877780-1 channel-68 (0 in | 0 out) - -
rollwasmtest_963047-1 channel-37 (0 in | 0 out) - -
rolv_1111111-1 channel-15 (0 in | 0 out) - -
rolx_100004-1 channel-17 (0 in | 0 out) channel-26 (0 in | 0 out) channel-27 (0 in | 0 out) channel-28 (0 in | 0 out) - -
testnetbalibob_173016-1 channel-63 (0 in | 0 out) - -
testokenless_776260-1 channel-39 (0 in | 0 out) - -
theta-testnet-001 channel-4 (0 in | 0 out) - -
tramp_999-1 channel-31 (0 in | 0 out) - -
upordown_30607-1 channel-60 (0 in | 0 out) - -
wasmdrsix_122104-1 channel-48 (0 in | 0 out) - -
wasmnewdrs_441414-1 channel-74 (0 in | 0 out) - -
wasmrollercontracts_419174-1 channel-62 (0 in | 0 out) - -
wasmsevenos_627299-1 channel-52 (0 in | 0 out) - -
wasmwithtoken_886996-1 channel-45 (0 in | 0 out) - -
weavevmtest_178418-1 channel-80 (0 in | 0 out) - -
wormchain-testnet-0 channel-23 (0 in | 0 out) channel-30 (0 in | 0 out) channel-5 (0 in | 0 out) - -
yetanotheravailevm_224082-1 channel-71 (0 in | 0 out) - -
yetanotheravailtest_363362-1 channel-76 (0 in | 0 out) - -