This is Testnet block explorer of Blumbus Testnet

Module params

Refresh every 5 minutes

The module enables Cosmos SDK-based blockchain to support an advanced Proof-of-Stake (PoS) system. In this system, holders of the native staking token of the chain can become validators and can delegate tokens to validators, ultimately determining the effective validator set for the system.
Unbonding time:
21 days
Max validators:
Max entries:
Historical entries:
Bond denom:
Minimum commission rate:
5 %

The slashing module enables Cosmos SDK-based blockchains to disincentivize any attributable action by a protocol-recognized actor with value at stake by penalizing them.

Penalties may include, but are not limited to:
  • Burning some amount of their stake
  • Removing their ability to vote on future blocks for a period of time

Signed block window:
Minimum signed per window:
80 %
Downtime Jail Duration:
2 minutes
Slash fraction double sign:
5 %
Slashing fraction downtime:
0 %

The module enables Cosmos SDK based blockchain to support an on-chain governance system. In this system, holders of the native staking token of the chain can vote on proposals on a 1 token 1 vote basis.
Min Deposit:
1,000.0 DYM
Max deposit periods:
2 days
Voting periods:
1 hours
33.4 %
50 %
Veto Threshold:
33.4 %
Minimal Initial Deposit Ratio:
0 %
Burn Vote Quorum:
Burn Proposal Deposit Pre-Vote:
Burn Vote Veto:

The auth module is responsible for specifying the base transaction and account types for an application, since the SDK itself is agnostic to these particulars. It contains the middlewares, where all basic transaction validity checks (signatures, nonces, auxiliary fields) are performed, and exposes the account keeper, which allows other modules to read, write, and modify accounts.
Max memo characters:
Tx sig limit:
Tx size cost per byte:
Sig verify cost Ed25519:
Sig verify cost Secp256k1:

The bank module is responsible for handling multi-asset coin transfers between accounts and tracking special-case pseudo-transfers which must work differently with particular kinds of accounts (notably delegating/undelegating for vesting accounts). It exposes several interfaces with varying capabilities for secure interaction with other modules which must alter user balances.
In addition, the bank module tracks and provides query support for the total supply of all assets used in the application.

Default Send Enabled:

The minting mechanism was designed to:
  • allow for a flexible inflation rate determined by market demand targeting a particular bonded-stake ratio
  • effect a balance between market liquidity and staked supply
In order to best determine the appropriate market rate for inflation rewards, a moving change rate is used. The moving change rate mechanism ensures that if the % bonded is either over or under the goal %-bonded, the inflation rate will adjust to further incentivize or disincentivize being bonded, respectively. Setting the goal %-bonded at less than 100% encourages the network to maintain some non-staked tokens which should help provide some liquidity.

Mint denom:
Inflation rate change:
100 %
Minimum Inflation:
2 %
Maximum Inflation:
8 %
Goal bonded:
50 %
Blocks per year:

Ethermint is a scalable and interoperable Ethereum library, built on Proof-of-Stake with fast-finality using the Cosmos SDK which runs on top of Tendermint Core consensus engine.
EVM denom:
Enable Call:
Enable Create:
Allow unprotected txs:

This module has been designed to support EIP-1559 in Cosmos-SDK.
No Base Fee:
Base Fee Change Denominator:
Elasticity Multiplier:
Enable height:
Base Fee:
(re-calculated every block)
Minimum Gas Price:
Minimum Gas Multiplier:

The GAMM module (Generalized Automated Market Maker) provides the logic to create and interact with liquidity pools on the Dymension DEX.

Pool Creation Fee:
100.0 DYM
Enable Global Pool Fees:
(Global Fees) Swap Fee:
0.2 %
(Global Fees) Exit Fee:
0 %
Taker Fee:
0.1 %

The x/txfees modules allows nodes to easily support many tokens for usage as txfees, while letting node operators only specify their tx fee parameters for a single "base" asset. This is done by having this module maintain an allow-list of token denoms which can be used as tx fees, each with some associated metadata. Then this metadata is used in tandem with a "Spot Price Calculator" provided to the module, to convert the provided tx fees into their equivalent value in the base denomination.
Epoch Identifier:

Lockup module provides an interface for users to lock tokens (also known as bonding) into the module to get incentives.

After tokens have been added to a specific pool and turned into LP shares through the GAMM module, users can then lock these LP shares with a specific duration in order to begin earing rewards.

To unlock these LP shares, users must trigger the unlock timer and wait for the unlock period that was set initially to be completed. After the unlock period is over, users can turn LP shares back into their respective share of tokens.

This module provides interfaces for other modules to iterate the locks efficiently and grpc query to check the status of locked coins.

Force Unlock Allowed Address(es):

Incentives module provides general interface to give yield to stakers.

The yield to be given to stakers are stored in gauge and it is distributed on epoch basis to the stakers who meet specific conditions.

Anyone can create gauge and add rewards to the gauge, there is no way to take it out other than distribution.

There are two kinds of gauges, perpetual and non-perpetual ones.

  • Non perpetual ones get removed from active queue after the distribution period finish but perpetual ones persist.
  • For non perpetual ones, they distribute the tokens equally per epoch during the gauge is in the active period.
  • For perpetual ones, it distributes all the tokens at a single time and somewhere else put the tokens regularly to distribute the tokens, it's mainly used to distribute minted DYM tokens to LP token stakers.

Distribution Epoch Identifier:
Create gauge base fee:
10.0 DYM
Add to gauge base fee:
10.0 DYM
Add denom fee:
10.0 DYM

Maintains a registry of RollApps along with their corresponding metadata, including but not limited to security (i.e. frauds), liveness, and user-level information (e.g. token names, logos, owners)
Dispute periods in blocks:
Liveness slash blocks:
Liveness slash interval:
App registration fee:
1.0 DYM
Min sequencer bond (globally):
100.0 DYM

Module that maintains sequencers of RollApps
Notice Period:
1 hours
Liveness slash min multiplier:
1 %
Liveness slash min absolute:
1.0 DYM
Dishonor Liveness:
Dishonor state update:
Dishonor kick threshold:

Module that allows users to quickly process withdrawals from RollApps. This module handles order fulfillment and updating order logic such as fees (i.e. priority tips).
Epoch identifier:
Timeout fee:
0.15 %
ACK error fee:
0.15 %

Modify applicative IBC logic by delaying the finalization of transfer packets, updating the recipient of a transfer packet upon eIBC fulfillment, and handling the removal of pending packets upon positive fraud proof.
Epoch Identifier:
Bridging Fee:
0.1 %
Delete packets epoch limit:

Module that keeps an updated record of DYM delegations. Enables the ability for users to choose a RollApp they want to allocate their voting weight for distributing rewards for module x/streamer.
Min Allocation Weight:
Minimum Voting Power:

Dymension Name Service
Dymension Name Price:
1 letter: 5,000.0 DYM
2 letters: 2,500.0 DYM
3 letters: 1,000.0 DYM
4 letters: 100.0 DYM
5+ letters: 5.0 DYM
Dymension Name Extends Price:
5.0 DYM
Domain Handle Price:
1 letter: 6,000.0 DYM
2 letters: 3,000.0 DYM
3 letters: 1,500.0 DYM
4 letters: 500.0 DYM
5 letters: 250.0 DYM
6 letters: 100.0 DYM
7 letters: 50.0 DYM
8 letters: 20.0 DYM
9 letters: 10.0 DYM
10+ letters: 5.0 DYM
Price denom:
Min Offer Price:
10.0 DYM
Aliases of chain-ids:
dymension_1100-1: dym, dymension
blumbus_111-1: blumbus
cosmoshub-4: cosmos, cosmoshub
osmosis-1: osmosis
axelar-dojo-1: axelar
stride-1: stride
kava_2222-10: kava
evmos_9001-2: evmos
dymension_100-1: test
bitcoin: btc
ethereum: eth, ether
solana: sol
avalanche: avax
polygon: matic
polkadot: dot
End Epoch Hook Identifier:
Grace period duration:
30 days
Sell Order duration:
3 days
Enable Trading Name:
Enable Trading Alias: