This is Testnet block explorer of Blumbus Testnet
DYM Transactions of #5831452
Txn Hash Type Block Time Total Value
Txn Fee
4734F4A3B69B853CAD6624A9AB54A1770BD493A525060B108584B748F00B9FFC IBC Acknowledgement +1 5831452 2025-01-24 08:33:40 UTC 0.01097118
F 0460C1E01F6E51B3B5CFF6804468F6B11BC569A6AEBD88D1C15C50607C5B36BE Swap Exact Amt In 5831452 2025-01-24 08:33:40 UTC 0.00607864
92E81CCAA1C14EA99016BD39AE6698AE86EE39F98FE9465C12420DFE110EB508 IBC Transfer 5831452 2025-01-24 08:33:40 UTC 2 0.00437904
076DE2A9B48DB2E47E6A8A9D48D44CC6D31A2F42D9429AB098D3B3A4F3ADC270 EVM Transfer 5831452 2025-01-24 08:33:40 UTC 10