This is Testnet block explorer of Blumbus Testnet
DYM Transactions of #5831823
Txn Hash Type Block Time Total Value
Txn Fee
1B7F44F88C4E9CF614393878D923917E847D246A208430F0E929133DC309BCDC EVM Transfer 5831823 2025-01-24 09:07:50 UTC 10
2AD2BD0C411A2E9C4CEFF782CDA07FBDFFAE1D3899AE39511AC8E5E9BE10ED95 EVM Transfer 5831823 2025-01-24 09:07:50 UTC 10
FD28CF268CC20F67210B9334D22FF66CC075DC4AE5DBA4E17CA700629AFA4BB8 Submit Group Proposal +1 5831823 2025-01-24 09:07:50 UTC 0.004
08B3A506AB26EE4BB1B93B02705463EEF43A96EC22E8E15BAF1A773F140C4737 IBC Acknowledgement +3 5831823 2025-01-24 09:07:50 UTC 0.01884798