This is Testnet block explorer of Blumbus Testnet
DYM Transactions of #5895506
Txn Hash Type Block Time Total Value
Txn Fee
BA84F0850C26A69BEE2EACF2034EF6E0CFC3B549EDD3D4E08069411F019C915E EVM Transfer 5895506 2025-01-28 10:54:38 UTC 10
5BB585B7D483229FCD50718946699EF48DF3AE8C738884FCA1D66D4384B3B5B9 IBC Transfer 5895506 2025-01-28 10:54:38 UTC 10 0.00437694
64D5EDA69900CFF8CC8496B55CD42E534F77B9BD41C71341ACFCA17AA1E2852E Submit Group Proposal +1 5895506 2025-01-28 10:54:38 UTC 0.004
07C27115555D5A70CEC1CFAA7B062639105FDAE58307B3EAA1941ABA0B1F73D2 EVM Transfer 5895506 2025-01-28 10:54:38 UTC 10