This is Testnet block explorer of Blumbus Testnet
DYM Transactions of #5911952
Txn Hash Type Block Time Total Value
Txn Fee
EEED074D7EC5882FAEF26EDD75DF65945F477DE3EE2ACD812317A2A1EC18009F IBC Receive +1 5911952 2025-01-29 12:07:56 UTC 0.01614372
81B73D2F4A5ADAA105DFA9C2BB92C1D41AEFE2DBC5D2A40BAADB44709829D8F9 IBC Transfer 5911952 2025-01-29 12:07:56 UTC under 1 0.00438002
005B396874F2F8F238DE47F972969253AC9667FF666BE89239FB49A2718D2EE1 Submit Group Proposal 5911952 2025-01-29 12:07:56 UTC 0.004
7EAA96A474EF13FDD9287519D25ACB818C34A00F38A5C4C7B4D651FC3EDFCC93 Submit Group Proposal +1 5911952 2025-01-29 12:07:56 UTC 0.004