This is Testnet block explorer of Blumbus Testnet
DYM Transactions
of #6203049
Txn Hash | Type | Block | Time | Total Value DYM |
Txn Fee DYM |
DEE0AF5F74E35883A5D524196421309AEF0FAED1FF78EB6E426CB4874FBFB962 | Swap Exact Amt In | 6203049 | 2025-02-17 03:43:12 UTC | ||
6E23DBEE67A13F9177344D6E4B05DD22D0BED85EBF3D23B09A7140B28C23762C | Update RollApp State | 6203049 | 2025-02-17 03:43:12 UTC | 0.06792348 | |
C22B4FF90245941BF960153D9E21E4524D3ACE9C436746DE52D15D78118087A8 | IBC Acknowledgement +1 | 6203049 | 2025-02-17 03:43:12 UTC | 0.01139028 | |
E2C0976D9057FF64512C09C5548F17F847933572D2D61CE3F61EC46FD96939A8 | IBC Transfer | 6203049 | 2025-02-17 03:43:12 UTC | 10 | 0.0043757 |